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Volume 1 | Edition 1 | June 2024

Quanergy AE&C Program Launches !

Quanergy Solutions sets the stage for a monumental leap in lidar solution design with the launch of the Quanergy Architect, Engineering & Consultants (AE&C) Program. We offer dedicated services, CSI Documentation, BIM, AutoCAD, Blue Beam, and an online LiDAR design layout tool.

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LiDAR Application

Water Utilities have a variety of use cases for adding LiDAR into their facilities. PIDS or perimeter intrusion detection systems to detect and track people or vehicles entering unauthorized areas do to contamination or other acts of terrorism is just the beginning of uses that LiDAR coupled with video surveillance and access control can quickly enhance the security posture of any water utility. Also used as safety to understand people movement in dangerous areas gives workers an added layer of piece of mind. Watch the webinar with one of our customers to learn more.

Click here to learn more.

Security Spot Light

One of the harder and more unique facilities to secure are museums. With high priced and non-replaceable assets inside makes high security paramount. Whether it is from theft or vandalism the precision of our LiDAR sensors are unparalleled to provide the best protection available.

Click here to watch a quick video

Technical Corner:

The distance covered by our Q-Track LR sensors is 140 meters in diameter. That is three football fields side by side! No other sensor on the market can put the amount of lasers on a target, at distance, than that of the Q-Track LR.

Click here to learn more

About The LiDAR Times:

The LiDAR Times is a leading source of news, insights, and analysis on LiDAR technology and its diverse applications across industries. Our mission is to provide professionals and enthusiasts with comprehensive coverage of the latest developments in LiDAR research, innovation, and adoption, empowering them to stay informed and engaged in this rapidly evolving field.

About Quanergy:

Quanergy is redefining physical security with real-time 3-D LiDAR solutions. Based in Silicon Valley, Quanergy’s revolutionary integrated LiDAR and perception software solution delivers intelligent proactive awareness for highly dynamic environments like critical infrastructure, smart cities, smart spaces and industrial automation. Quanergy’s mission is to ensure you see beyond current sensing limitations and experience the power of 3-D security designed for a 3-D world. 

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